11 Aug 2017

Hijamah and the Significance of Oil


How often do they think of oil as a vital part of the application of Hijamah?
Unfortunately, the answer to that is not often. Even those who practice the therapy are not always aware of its significance and some even treat their patients without using.
Before placing cups anywhere on the body, a generous amount of oil should be rubbed onto the area that is going to be treated. It is important to do so because the capillaries located directly beneath the skin are very small and easier to burst that other blood vessels, such as veins and arteries. When suctioning the skin, a lot of pressure is placed upon them and the skin cells around them. If the suction is sudden and strong, the friction of the cup against the skin can increase the chances of capillaries bursting, leading to harmless but unsightly internal bleeding also known as bruising.
Some skin types are more sensitive to pressure and friction than others, such as the skin cells of elderly people or those with thin or fair skin. By applying oil to area that they have decided to treat, a Hijamah practitioner can avoid unnecessary bruising and further damage to the cells when suctioning them with a pump or similar apparatus, as oil allows the skin to glide into the cup rather than being pulled forcefully. The application of oil is even more important when the practitioner intends to perform massage cupping because the force of the suction is continuously exerted against a wider area of skin.

I have to say at this point that some of my clients have asked me if I use a specific type of oil and if they should use a specific one.
Until now I believed that my mix of Olive oil and Blackseed oil is best, first because are from the Sunnah but also as the Olive Tree is mentioned in the Qur'an to be blessed. I myself use the Olive oil from Palestine which again is a blessed Land, as mentioned in the Qur'an. Now there are two blessings which I personally chose to use for my clients.

Now in this specific article they state that, when it comes to healing, extra virgin olive oil and black seed oil are best for the skin both during and after the treatment.
Research has shown that extra virgin olive oil is:

  • Anti-aging
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Rich in vitamin E and A
  • Able to hydrate the skin
  • Aid skin cell regeneration
Whilst the effects of olive oil can be impressive, the benefits of black seed oil have been known for centuries. This could be due to it having the following properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Anti-fungal
  • Anti-oxidant
  • Anti-cancer
  • Anti-asthmatic
  • Anti-histamine
  • Anti-viral
  • Anti-coagulant

In sha' Allah this benefited you all, Hijamah Therapists and Clients alike.

Credits for this post go to The Pure Therapy Team

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